The Rivers Flow

The minute you try to hold onto or control someone or something outside of yourself you take yourself out of the flow.

To me the flow is God and we can let go and go with the flow (as some of us old hippies still say).  When you try to hold onto or control someone or something outside of yourself you separate from the flow, from God.


Life is like a river flowing on and on, ever-changing. Sometimes it flows slowly and sometimes swiftly. It is smooth and still in some places, yet downstream may be riddled with sharp rocks and rapids. It is shallow and warm near its banks, yet deep, mysterious and cold in the middle. And all of it is the river.

From an energetic perspective flow is your optimal state.  Life is never stagnant; you can’t stop it from changing. As soon as you believe you’ve attained a level of stability sure enough, something happens to shake your foundation. And it’s your interpretation of the “something” that creates the disharmony. Just as with the river – no one aspect is better. Life is life.

The optimal state of being is flow….energy is like water and when we are in a state of flow every experience in life just washes through us….you become like a non-stick surface.  In that state no matter what is happening around you, you remain untouched.

~ Panache Desai

Roping the Wind


I took a program once that involved a lot of internal inquiry.  One of the goals was to help me more clearly define my life purpose.  One day the wise woman offering the program said to me, “you are like trying to rope the wind.”

Due to uncontrollable life circumstances I had to leave the program before completion.  So I never pinned down my final life purpose statement.

In the midst of reading a book today I had an ah-ha moment as I began to recall the expression roping the wind.  I was thinking about what the expression actually meant. Then I realized that part of my difficulty in finding the right wording for my life purpose statement was because I have always felt the purpose of life is spirit based.  Somehow trying to define my life purpose through words was taking me further away from actually experiencing my purpose.

I am eternally grateful for what I learned about myself while taking this program and feel honored to have spent time with such a wise sage.  I believe that everything happens for a reason and even though life circumstance prevented me from completing my intended goal, I know all was /is divinely orchestrated.

Excerpt from “The Imperfection of Spirituality” by Ernest Kurtz

Said the Master, “which of you know the fragrance of a rose?”  All of them knew. Then he said, “Put it into words.” All of them were silent.

What is spirituality? To have the answer is to have misunderstood the question.  Truth, wisdom, goodness, beauty, the fragrance of a rose – all resemble spirituality in that they are intangible, ineffable realities.  We may know them, but we can never grasp them with our hands or with our words.  These entities have neither color nor texture, they cannot be gauged in inches or ounces or degrees; they do not make a noise to be measured in decibels; they have no distinct feel as do silk, wood, or cement; they give no odor, they have no taste, they occupy no space.

When we attempt to “define” spirituality, we discover not its limits but our own. This way of be-ing defies definition and delineation: we cannot tie it up, in any way package it or enclose it.  Elusive in the sense that it cannot be “pinned down,” spirituality slips under and soars over efforts to capture it, to fence it in with words.

Spirituality has nothing to do with boundaries.  Only the material can be bounded, and the first thing “spiritual” is not is material. “Spiritual realities” are understood quite simply as those that, like the wind or the fragrance of a rose, one can experience but cannot literally see, touch, or especially, possess in the sense of command.